Monday, March 23, 2009

Very Sad...

You would think that  an American news network would want to use there ability to reach Millions viewers, to advance there country as opposed to creating more hatred towards their citizens. How could the executives at Fox news possibly have thought that this idiotic and misinformed panel was a good idea. I wonder if they even realize the amount of damage they do to their own credibility and to the great deeds their own service men and women do.

It is just truly sad that these people on this panel call themselves Americans, because they do injustice to those who know what it means to sacrifice all in the name of a cause. I hope that the American people can forgive there stupidity and their ignorance.

The very right that protects their freedom of speech was bought and paid for by the blood of soldiers. Yes some of those soldiers were Canadian as allies of the US. If these people wish to point fingers then lets go all the way. 

   The US didn't enter the first World War until 6 April 1917,  Canada had been fighting since 1914. Again in the Second World War Canada entered the war in 1939 again a full two years before the Americans. So if they want to point fingers about who needs a break from fighting, and what a shameful thing that is, they don't need to go to far from home.

The Fox Network needs to make an apology not just to the Canadian people, but to their own nation, and ask for forgiveness for these idiotic and moronic statements. 

A Patriotic Canadian

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