Monday, May 02, 2011

Osama Bin Ladin Is Dead

Finally the day is here. The day that has been looked forward to for so long by so many is finally here.
I would like to say that this was an awsome bit of soldiering for those  Seals that conducted the Op. and for the support units that allowed them to carry out their historic mission. WELL DONE LADS!!!

Now to those who say that the USA has acted like God and dicided the the death of of a foregn national in a sovereign nation. I say Bull shit.

The USA has inacted the rule of law on criminal that has killed as many muslems as he has infedels. Osama Bin Laden chose to try and enforce his ideology on the world and he now has paid for that effort. Currently the eastern world is in termoil fighting and  dying for those exacte ideas that Bin Laden was trying to eradicate and compared to the will of satan.  The only good thing that I can say about Bin Laden is that he chose to meet his end with a weapon in his hand. At least in the end he showed some courage unlike the past years hiding and sending others to die as marters for the cause.

It was a grand bit of soldiering that brought a little peace to the World today.

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