On the surface, the idea of reconciliation is a nice dream and the intent behind the idea has some merits. The thought of a stable and peaceful Afghanistan is truly a tempting notion. No more deployments, our soldiers would come home and no more flagged draped caskets traveling down the Highway of Heroes. The Afghan nation could once again join the global family in industry and comers.
I have to ask myself what would I be willing to accept to make this vision a reality. What sort of concessions would the terrorist organizations ask for, and what liberties would be sacrificed by the Afghan people to maintain stability. Would you be willing to turn a blind eye to mutilation of women, would you be willing to turn a blind eye to the production of ridiculous amounts of narcotics and marijuana, destined for North American markets? Would you be willing to allow militant Islamic extremism to have a legitimized foot hold in a land that runs red with the blood of the innocent?
Before the war weary nations of the world press ahead with this idea, they really need to ask themselves a difficult question. Is the short term goal of creating stability worth years of potential religious extremism. Do they really want to go down to the crossroads and shake hands with the Devil, and make a deal were they could really lose their soul?