These are my personal writings about all things military. All of what I write here are my personal views and opinions and are not official views of any government or the Military. This place is just to express myself and my personal thoughts.
Friday, August 12, 2011
Social Media – Social Tool or Anarchists Weapon
This is a little off topic but still relevant. It appals me to see how quickly an ordered society can descend into Chaos? How can people that may have been neighbours and friends one day and then turn into mindless criminals the next? It is very disturbing to me the what I think may be considered normal society may in fact be an abnormal condition placed on society to maintain control.
If one considers social media in that context, is it a tool for good or evil? At what point does a tool like Twitter become dangerous to society at large? In the the modern age social media has the ability to make or break corporations, increase awareness of issues, and even topple governments. In reality Social Media has the ability to create and manipulate society. If we look at recent events like the G20 Summit riots in Toronto or more currently the Riots in London, we see the power that social media has to fuel a societies impulse.. Never before in history has so much unchecked power been given to the people. Could you imagine what some historical figures could have done had social media been in place. Imagine if Martin Luther King could reach millions the world over. Could you imagine a tweet that started “I have dream … “. Could you imagine Nazi Germany with a propaganda machine centered around a group like Facebook.
Social Media is a tool and a weapon. In the hands of criminals, activists and politicians alike, sites like Twitter, Facebook and YouTube are a godsend. The problem with unchecked power at any level, is that when we cross a line we don't realize it until its to late. Society being what it is, it is unable to be proactive and police itself. So unfortunately that puts law makers the world over in a position of playing catch up.
Now I'm sure you will get those groups out there that will say all of this violence is caused by social inequality and poverty and that putting a muzzle on Social Media sites is an assault on free speech.However, when you consider the deaths of innocent bystanders and the senseless destruction of property, it is clearly a power that has out grown its intended purpose!
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Tuesday, July 12, 2011
Canadian Forces secure staging base in Kuwait - CTV News
Basically the military and the government has taken an approach of more bang for their buck. In years gone by the the Military had been seen as a joke, but not anymore. This forward thinking plan for an Operating base in Kuwait increases Canada's capabilities, and deployment potential. I have no doubt that this is going to be a trend with the Canadian Military. I expect to see more bases of this nature in other countries around the world.
It makes a lot of sense economically and politically to be able to react quickly and efficiently to evolving situations. Canada's global interests around the world are increasing and with economic and environmental instability it seems like the smart way to go.
Canadian Forces secure staging base in Kuwait - CTV News
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Saturday, May 07, 2011
To the Last Man...
No one felt when it happened, there was no awareness, there was no major fan fair or media frenzy or earth shattering announcement. What is different about today than just a few days ago is that the last Combat Veteran of the First World War has passed away. Claude Choules has completed the role call and the last man is now present. All the ranks are now filled.
Lets think about that for a minute. There is no one left alive that can say that they fought in the Great War. That conflict, more than any other shaped the world we live in today. For the most part it was a war of empires, but for the common man, many believed on both sides that it was a duty and an honour to serve a nation. That war gave rise to the nuclease and causes that started the Second World War and once again many of the same soldiers went to war again. Just like Claude Choules.
I am not suggesting that any war is just or good, but the ideals that drove these men and women to the fight are things of the past. Things like duty, honour, respect, dignity and the simple belief that they were doing the right thing. These are the things that are the true loss with the passing of this great generation.
I am not really sure what to feel about the passing of a person I have never met. I am sure there are those that ask why I should feel anything at all. I have to say that the indifference that is shown or even the lack of indifference is troubling to me. Indifference would imply that some thought was given to the subject, but even the thought is absent.
I suppose that is the fate if important people and events, to fade into obscurity with the passing of time. However even with time passing are the emotions and feelings that were expended almost 100 years ago any less important? Is the heart breaking lose of a loved one any less valuable today then it was then? Is the pride in victory and the despair in defeat any less important 100 years on? These are the types of questions that plague my mind. If these simple things have no relevance then the act of remembrance has no meaning.
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- R.I.P. Claude Choules (
Wednesday, May 04, 2011
I joined the Army because of a Women !!
For my mother it was tough going raising three kids and having an ex-husband that didn't pay much of any Child Support. My mother worked, and worked hard. She was never on welfare although the extra money would have helped us out a bit. I never really saw my father that much. At first that was his doing then later on by my choice.
I had been in the Sea Cadets for a number of years until I hit 16 when my mother saw an advertisement in the local news paper. The local reserve unit was looking for new soldiers. She took me to the Armoury and I signed the line in November 1986. I had to wait until I was 17 years old, but shortly after that, life would never be the same.
I think that my mother was relived that I had actually taken that step. Although I didnt see it then, I think she noticed that there was something missing from my life. I think she felt she couldn't teach me some of the things I needed to learn. My father wasn't going to teach me, so she had to find a way.
I grew up hearing stories of the soldiers in my family, my grandfathers and uncles and even my mother had there own stories of life in the service. I m sure there were many things that she believed I needed to know. One of the things I am most thankful for and I do owe this to a tiny INDO immigrant woman, she found a way to make me strong. She found a way to give me the tools to meet life head on and to move forward under adversity and hardship.
I also think that she knew that I wouldn't be going to a community college or university, simply because there was no money to pay for it and because I just didn't do well in school. She needed me to find my way in the world and to do that she lit the fire. It also helped that I got paid for my service, I mean a kid in High school that made his own money lived like a king. But I think mom knew that would be the the case as well, once I got the feel for the green stuff there was no going back.
She pointed me in a direction that she knew I needed to go, her picking up that paper and geting me to go to the Armoury is one of those moments that we all have in life. That moment in time we look back on and say that could have turned out different. Just a simple action can change an entire outlook on life and the things that happen in it.
Also my reasons for joining the army, are also personal. I could spend hours and hours writing about all the reasons why I am a soldier, but for now it will just have to do that it was the push of an Immigrant women that set me on this path.
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Monday, May 02, 2011
Osama Bin Ladin Is Dead
Finally the day is here. The day that has been looked forward to for so long by so many is finally here.
I would like to say that this was an awsome bit of soldiering for those Seals that conducted the Op. and for the support units that allowed them to carry out their historic mission. WELL DONE LADS!!!
Now to those who say that the USA has acted like God and dicided the the death of of a foregn national in a sovereign nation. I say Bull shit.
The USA has inacted the rule of law on criminal that has killed as many muslems as he has infedels. Osama Bin Laden chose to try and enforce his ideology on the world and he now has paid for that effort. Currently the eastern world is in termoil fighting and dying for those exacte ideas that Bin Laden was trying to eradicate and compared to the will of satan. The only good thing that I can say about Bin Laden is that he chose to meet his end with a weapon in his hand. At least in the end he showed some courage unlike the past years hiding and sending others to die as marters for the cause.
It was a grand bit of soldiering that brought a little peace to the World today.
Tuesday, March 08, 2011
Women In Combat
Not really sure why this is even an issue any more. Women in combat roles is common place in many countries, Canada included. For all the arguments that are put forth in this news story I can give you an argument against it. Women have been soldiers and covert operatives for centuries doing dangerous duty when the need arose. There have been women on battlefields since the beginning of time. They have looked after the dead and wounded and kept the industries running when men went to fight.
Yes combat requires a great amount of physical stamina to carry heavy loads. However it has been my experience that when a weapons system is to be deployed to the field, and it is of considerable weight, it is usually given to the person who can carry it. some men are also incapable of carrying those combat loads.
Good soldiers have adaptability drummed into their heads from the very first time they put on a uniform. The men and women of the US Armed Forces will adapt to women in combat roles. One day it will happen, its only a matter of time. Women have gathered intelligence and conducted counter surveillance for years. There are women firemen, police officers, tactical unit members, Search and Rescue Techs. this list is endless.
Why would you want to deny someone the right and privilege to serve their country based on their gender. It makes no sense that a women be denied the right to die in the service of her country because she is a women.
So only men can feel their heartstrings compelled to action when an enemy comes knocking?
Monday, March 07, 2011
Libyans want the world to act
Would it be wise to openly take part in what is quickly becoming a civil war? Many Western armies are already involved in Afghanistan, could they take on another commitment that would place another drain on manpower and resources. It is not a stretch to think that in order to stay in power, #Gadhaf would resort to what ever measures are necessary to do so.
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Monday, February 28, 2011
Canadian Soldier Recovered
Another Canadian WWI recovered, One that was once lost is now found. Lets give them all peace and the recognition they deserve.
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
Un necessary death
The trouble I am having is that this woman was seen having difficulty, by two different people and neither one offered assistance of any kind. They never even attempted to call the police. An investigation by the local law enforcement agencies showed that this women had been clawing at the door of a neighbour.
She died alone, and in the cold, all because people are afraid to get involved.
This women died a needless death. The reason for her death wasn't because she had an illness, it was because we as a society have become jaded and fear full. She died because we have become a cynical and hateful society. There are many that would have gladly put the crazy women clawing at the door on video and then up loaded that to youtube or facebook, rather then lend assistance.
I think this is a very sad state of affairs, and sad . testament to what society has become.
"Freedom Is Not Free"