Saturday, August 07, 2010

No Welcome for Deserters

No welcome for deserters | Canada | News | Toronto Sun
I really don't understand why this is even being discussed in this country. Canada is a country at war and our soldiers are currently engaged in combat operations in foreign lands. In Canada, desertion is a criminal act under the National  Defence Act and is punishable by a lengthy prison term. I commend the Prime Minister for his directive to his immigration officials. Currently admission in to the US Military is voluntary and anyone who joins the military now would have to be living under a rock not to know that there is a war on. Why should Canada become a haven for those that wish to hide from a duty that they willingly signed up for. No one forced them to sign the line, they did it all by themselves and when duty called they ran, choosing to not hold up their end of the deal they made with the American people.
If they don't want to fight, that's fine, stay in your own country and take the punishment.  I mean they had no problem when they thought the US government was going to pay for college or university through the US G.I. bill. In exchange for accepting the job they get  pay, benefits and assume the risk of deployment as the Government sees fit.   All soldiers are made aware of the penalty of desertion and the consequences that this action has. I would have more respect for deserters if they stayed in their own country and did the time for the crime they committed.
Normally if Canadian immigration officials come across someone that has a criminal record in the US  they deny entry in to the country,or if they are already in the country they send them back. In Canada desertion can hold a 14 year sentence and is a criminal charge. So why would some Canadian politicians want to give refuge to criminals, when our own soldiers are fighting and in some cases dying? 
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