Saturday, June 26, 2010

The lose of the Message

2008 Republican National Convention day 2 prot...
I don't understand how a day of peaceful protest at the G20 Summit, can turn into a day of violent clashes between police and the Black Block?  The people that destroy businesses and burn buildings and cars are not protesters but criminals. They hijack legitimate protest and turn it into an intentional display of violent destruction.  They claim to be activists and they claim to be acting in the best interest of the people. They claim to be working to regain control of Toronto from the oppressive security forces.  However, they are nothing more than cowards.  
A true activist wants their message heard and presented to the masses so that it can be understood and supported. They wish to be visible and have their stories told. Activists do not cover their faces to hide their identity because they are not afraid; typically they hold the courage of their convictions. The Black Block, or “Protestors" wear masks, and they cover their faces they hide and run. But then again the people like this don't really have an agenda or any real cause. They just bring destruction and kayos to what may have been a very public platform for legitimate causes and Issues.
Over the past couple of major events here in Canada, efforts have been made by the powers that be and the media to give protest groups a voice to allow their issues to be heard. If interest groups and social activists don't want their message to get lost in pointless and mindless violence, they themselves need to police their own organizations and show greater cooperation with security forces. Organisations that wish to put on a protest should also share some of the responsibility and the cost of ensuring that violence does not happen.
Organizations that wish to protest have the responsibility to ensure that there event is not hijacked by infiltrators that have nothing more than destruction on their mind. They have a responsibility to safeguard public safety just as the police or security forces do. If they wish to bring their message to the masses they also share the responsibility of protecting the masses from the message.
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